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June 19, 2019The Debate Way
As a proud special school with amazing kids, , organizing a debate competition in the school is one way to boost the kids public speaking skills and confidence, practice language and communication skills and brain storming abilities. It wasn’t a day to forget in a hurry as the priceless jewels of basic six took on the indispensables of JSS one in an exciting and educative debate Competition, with a topic ‘Gender equality, with focus on the role of women in the society ’. Priceless jewels supported the motion while the indispensables stood against the motion
The debate took place on Thursday, 30th of May, 2019 in the School Hall. The adjudicators were Mr. Ikechukwu, Mrs Efe, the teacher’s consultant of the Debating Team and Mrs Barbs, the Head Teacher of the English Department, also in attendance was the principal facilitating office of the school Mrs Emefoh, and Mr Daniel occupied the position of timekeeper
The priceless jewels began the debate by emphasizing that women play more roles than men in the society. She pointed out that women are better device, that they have the responsibility of enduring excruciating pain during pregnancy and bringing children to the world. Moreover, they also take up the duties of taking care of the child all lifelong ‘women are better device, nature understood the value of women and gave her the greatest which is the task of motherhood, it means no woman, no humanity in order words, the world will be empty without women ‘ said Blossom Hanson the first speaker
The Indispensables admitted the role of women in procreation by the first speaker, but they were of the view that men are responsible for the production of the seed (sperm). According to Ifechukwu, one of the indispensables and the major speaker ‘My opponent said women are bestowed with nature greatest task of motherhood, true but who produce the seed for the fertilization of the egg? He went further to state that men are the strongest, Superior and leader, reason why they are the heads of the families, pastors and Imam in churches and mosque, head various positions in the society and countries at large, he put forward his rebuttal.
Both sides argued fiercely on whether women hold more responsibilities in the society or not. Leroy claimed that it is difficult for the family to run hitch- free without husbands and fathers , in providing all financial needs to take proper care all the family members including the women ’ said the second speaker of indispensable.
However, the priceless jewels argued that these days, women have taken more of the responsibilities of providing the financial needs of the family too as we now have career women in different professional endeavour like, doctors, lawyers, lecturers etc, she also said apart from the provision, they are also available to take care of the home, carry out house chores for the family and taking care of the children and the man said Kamsi the third speaker of the team. To support her argument, she quoted a series of survey results released by famous universities from all around the world including Nigeria Universities to probe that women are now taking up political appointment, making waves in the various field of endeavour where men had predominant control before
All speakers from both sides were able to present their arguments with their confident voice.
Their performances impressed not only their fellow schoolmates but also the adjudicators and PFO, the adjudicator who gave the comments, praised all the debaters for their great effort in reacting to their opponents’ speeches and their sensible rebuttals.
In the end, the adjudicators gave the edge to the priceless jewels ,Blossom was named the debate’s best speaker. She was a strong speaker and the points raised were great and difficult to rebut.
Apart from Blossom, the adjudicators also admired Ifechukwu who demonstrated excellent performance in the competition. They were able to build a relationship with the audience as they spoke. Leroy made use of rhetorical questions and kept eye contact with the audience to get them on his side.
In the competition, both sides made strong arguments and excellent performances. Although the priceless jewels won over the indispensables this time with 150 and 125 points respectively. All the debaters have set good role models for our fellow schoolmates and enhanced their debating skills.
Now a days debate become an important topic of discussion.It is important because it develops skills and knowledge. It helps the students to become a confident and bold person. And it will help the students to develop a political identity or own identity like a debater. It also helps the students to develop a sense of ownership of the world and a sense of empowerment, as they will know specific global and domestic issues, and It will help them to boost their confidence and will make them bold enough to speak in any situation without any hesitation
School communities need to go beyond, make the next step and start to really cultivate and encourage skills for the next century.
Our teachers and our students need to belong into a learning community, sharing ideas, moving forward, being empowered. The activity “Debate Contest” started as a school activity within the framework of Greek Language subject in order to cultivate students’ communication skills. The activity was enthusiastically embraced from teachers and students and was evolved from within. The Debate Competition is not only about Competition through this activity, students are expected to:
• cultivate their communication skills, by analyzing and composing views and arguments, conversing, disagreeing and resolving conflicts;
•cultivate their ability to effectively and creatively use the spoken language, so that they can actively participate in their school and wider community, by taking up different roles (debater, judge), and being actively involved in the process;
•learn to collaborate, working in groups, sharing information and ideas acquire knowledge and skills on scientific issues;
• cultivate scientific thinking but also scientific research and study skills by being involved in scientific research on the issues they are required to debate about; foster pupils’ wider skills, preparing their dynamic inclusion in school life and later in adult society, by proposing their ideas and taking action to the school and local community991 – CN9671 – Blauw – Nike Air Max 1 By You Custom herenschoen – nike air max lays blue cheese commercial actor | Nike Dunk Low Pro SB 304292 – 102 White Black Trail End Brown Sneakers – Ietp – nike sb mogan mid 2 white laces for sale in ohio